The results obtained above for the experiment that determined

The relative angles are calculated in two ways shown below;1) Law of cosines when the segment lengths have been provided2) Calculated from two absolute anglesThe figures below show the segment angles and joint angles for the LEFT and RIGHT sagittal viewFigure 3: Right sagittal viewFigure 4: Left sagittal viewThe main objective of the Gait laboratory experiment is the examination of the maximum and knee angles observed in both forward and backward walking.9403733.8817393..2323Discussion

The results obtained above for the experiment that determined the maximum and minimum knee angles as well as the average show that the patterns of walking are different when considering the direction of walking; whether forward or backwards.IntroductionAngular Kinematics is the description of the kinematic analysis of angular motion.7839b (shank)397. The experiment will involve the calculation of the relative knee angles for the right leg for forward walking as well as backward walking using the law of cosines calculation method.0207c (the segment formed from the V_Hip joint and V_Mid--‐Ankle835.7804

Backward Walkinga (thigh)440.5689814. It is of particular importance in the study of human movement since it is possible to describe the motion of most human joints using one, two or three rotations.9972396. The infrared digital cameras were used to record the trajectories of the markers. The segments rotate about the joint centers that create the axis of rotation for the segments. A program was then used to calculate the knee angles.4965429.9564824. Relative Angles also known as joint angles are the angles between the longitudinal axis of two adjacent segments, whereas absolute Angles also segment angles are the angles between a segment and the right horizontal of the distal end.6045830.9109b (shank)397.

Measuring of Angles An angle gets composed of two lines that intersect at a point known as the vertex. Relative angles should be measured consistently on the same side of the joint, whereas, absolute angles should be measured consistently in the same direction from a single reference either vertical or horizontal. In a biochemical analysis, the intersecting lines are body segments, and the vertex is their common joint. The general motion of a human body is a combination of both linear and angular translations. pipette tips for eppendorf manufacturers The Gait analysis has been found to be a crucial clinical tool that can be used to obtain quantitive information of a person who has been diagnosed with walking disabilities.9946c (the segment formed from the V_Hip joint and V_Mid--‐Ankle836